Oracle Cloud / Content Strategy & Campaigns
Power to the people
Rebooting a Silicon Valley icon
People don’t buy features. They buy potential.
Oracle was famous for its on premises- database solutions, but not its cloud offering. Its authority was being eroded by newcomers and its image suffered from a past of aggressive sales behaviour.
We wanted to take customers on a journey to explain Oracle’s cloud offering in terms of human benefits and impact on communities, rather than product features.
How to make a technology brand human again?
Powered by people
A series of compelling stories narrated in first person by scientists, entrepreneurs, inventors and NGO leaders about their dreams, challenges and the power of Oracle technology in helping them achieve their vision. The films brought to life their passion and story with a warm and inspiring tone of voice.
From vendor to partner
In the first 8 months, at country level:
spontaneous awareness as a cloud leader went up from 8% to 11%
intention to purchase went from 6% to 9%
presentation to the Office of the CEO and Global Product Team
data-led global audience analysis and segmentation
decision makers personas and journeys
content strategy toolkit for Oracle Global Product Team
KPI framework for optimisation and innovation